My resume

Mohammad Hossein Moradi

Web developer


Hi there. I'm Mohammad, an experienced frontend developer with over 4 years of experience in develop web apps with a focus on modularity, best possible structure, optimal design patterns, impeccable UI/UX design, accessibility, keyboard navigation, highly interactive with user through features like drag and drop and animated UI using the cutting-edge web technologies; Bind Javascript and Rust and bring the power of WebAssembly to build robust and efficient apps, toolchains and infrastructures.

I love JavaScript as a dynamic language and Rust as a static language and every day learning about them, exploring new solutions and so on.


Senior Frontend Developer


Feb 2024 - Present(4 Months)
Tehran, Tehran Province, IranRemote
Develop Bacham application
  • Implement authentication and control flow

  • Implement guard interface for access control with chaining capability

  • Implement advanced, robust, composable, polymorphic and slottable design system with latest design system implementation method; Features includes drag and drop, swipeable, keyboard navigation, accessible, virtualization, high DX, concise and pro API, subgrid, CVA

  • Use almost all Framer Motion features like sequence animations, scroll base, spring, transform values, velocity, gestures, variants, drag, custom, animation presence, layout animations and in view or intersection observer API

  • Implement robust jalali calendar and datetime picker with virtualization, infinite years, month and days

  • Register service worker and convert the app to a PWA

  • Implement custom audio and video players with unique design

  • Implement SSR rendering for blog pages and serialize data to be fallback data (initial data) for SWR

Frontend Developer

Arad dasht software co

Aug 2022 - Mar 2023(6 Months)
Yazd, Yazd Province, IranOn-site
Develop fully feature e-commerce application Include admin panel and shop
  • Implement fully responsive design system base on Headless UI components (Menu, Listbox, Dialog, Tooltip, Loading, ...)

  • Implement TreeView Component with single and multiple select, intermediate state can render in popover or static

  • Implement image editor can append logo, resize, crop, change format and remove background with AI

  • Implement robust sorting component that has concise and pro api model with support flex, grid, drag and drop and keyboard

  • Fix redux persist in their project that cause hard refresh in the development mode

  • Implement custom alert dialog with success, warning, delete, info and confirm variant

  • Implement Neshan Map with search, reverse geocoding and geocoding

  • Implement robust and fully feature breadcrumbs can support static and dynamic (async) breadcrumb with image, icon, label, path

  • Implement Scrollspy Tab component with intersection observer support under the hood

Web developer

Pishgaman ginco kavir

Aug 2022 - Mar 2023(6 Months)
Yazd, Yazd Province, IranOn-site
Develop and design digital marketing website with beautiful animations
  • Implement SSR

  • Use animations with framer motion

  • Use Strapi (zone, component, ...) for manage site data

  • All section of site can modify and reorder and organize in Strap CMS

Design and develop e-commerce admin panel with Nextjs
  • Use WooCommerce API under the hood

  • Implement dynamic theme setting for wordpress site in admin panel

  • Implement highly responsive design system



Contact info


4:22 AM
